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Comment from Bill 2HS8998
2012-09-22 11:57
Registered: 14 years ago
Posts: 1,061
Thanks sooo much, Kelly! I really do appreciate your time on such a minor matter!
I am telling EVERYONE about the Hamsphere.I think people in general have lost the ability to talk to each other these days, people on the street won't even make eye contact. I think the Hamsphere is a way for folks to interact and share ideas that somehow feels safer than in person, and the accessibility of so many intelligent people all "gathered" in one place makes it an ideal way for people to connect with each other once again. I think Hamsphere is the greatest social thing of the decade! It has opened up my ability to connect with many fine people. And, everyone is so helpful, polite, and I think GENTILE is the word, very civilized. People in LIVE conversations face to face interrupt each other and have terrible conversational and listening skills. I think the Hamspere is great for teaching folks listening skills, and how to let folks finish without interrupting, skills that seem to be rare these days.

Also, I have noticed not many women on the "air" , but my wife is REALLY interested and excited to get going, so I will pick up a headset/mike for her, and hopefully she will be on the Hamsphere this week.
Again,thanks for the help, and I can't say enough about the Hamsphere!
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