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Merry Christmas and a Happy New year
2011-12-21 08:50
Registered: 14 years ago
Posts: 1,061
2011 has been an exciting year with lots of new improvements. We have released version 3.0 with many new features and we have extended our network with servers in 3 countries.

We have also commenced the iPhone and Android apps development.

We'd like to thank all subscribers for supporting this adventure. Thanks to you we are able to grow and expand our network and make the system even better and not to mention securing its future.

We'd like to thank the DX-Users for being out there in exotic locations QSO-ing over our virtual Ionosphere making HamSphere a great place to work DX.

We'd like to thank our fantastic support and admin team who avidly maintain the order and conduct on the HamSphere bands. Well done indeed!

HamSphere wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!

Kelly Lindman
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