Corona Admin
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2012-06-16 09:54
Registered: 14 years ago
Posts: 1,061

As you all know, the HamSphere Awards were introduced in May 2012. The reason for these awards were to increase the knowledge in DX activity and to connect more countries with each other.

The response to this activity has been huge. The number of QSL cards and confirmed countries have reached larger quantities than anticipated and unfortunately generated some negative effects too.

The problem is that the operators see this now as a big ongoing competition which was not really our intention with the DX-Awards. You can have competitions on Ham Radio, yes, but these are usually limited in time.

The truth is that we have received complaints from many daily users of HamSphere about this almost hostile environment where everyone screams for a QSL card confirmation after the QSO's.

The art of conversation has been put aside and focus has mainly been on dealing with QSL cards.

We have thought of the following action plan for starters:

* We will stop the bonus subscription days included in the Awards as of today (the budget was already reached anyway).
* We urge the operators not to get upset if an operator does not want to QSL. It should be a voluntary decision to QSL.
* Please do not use the PM system to hunt or stalk users who do not QSL.
* Please recognize the art of conversation which is the foundation of all Amateur Radio activity.

Finally, it is good that so many operators from such many countries have met and become friends, but please understand that Ham Radio is more than just QSL cards.

The art of conversation must come first.

Thank you all.

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