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Is your HamSphere Transceiver to small on your Mac computer?
2013-07-10 22:54
Registered: 12 years ago
Posts: 89
If you are using a Mac computer and running OS X 10.8.4 and you are have problems reading the clusters? You can make the transceiver larger and make it easier to view and read.

Go to : System Preferences check the box Use keyboard shortcuts to zoom.

Zoom in: press Option and Command = (sign) press it one or more times to change the size to where you want.

Zoom out: press Option and Command - (sign) this will return back to default size

I hope this tip will help you read your transceiver and clusters easier.

If you have any further questions about using your Mac computer with HamSphere. You can respond to this news flash or send in a tech support ticket.



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